5 Quick Tips for Planning a Successful School Field Trip

Field trips are only as good as the preparation that is put in place beforehand to curate an experience tailored specifically to the students in attendance, and picking the right place to take your students is a huge part of that process. Here are a few tips for picking the right destination for an educational field trip.

1. Establish The Educational Purpose

The first step to picking the right destination for your trip is to identify what you want your students to learn from this outing and what skills do you want them to use in that learning process. 

For example, do you want them to explore something thought-provoking that will cause them to formulate new perspectives and opinions about a topic or actively participate in problem-solving through a hands-on team-building activities? 

Whatever you choose consider its lasting impact on the students understanding of current themes being taught in your classroom.

2. Research Multiple Destinations

Once you have decided on a location, gather as much information as you can on places that offer the best experience for the purpose of the trip. If you have decided on going to a museum, find out which museums do the best job at helping to bring history to life and offer more than just things to look at. 

Or if you have decided on a team building activity, consider all the places that truly outline the value of team comradery and the importance of working as a group to reach a common goal. An example of the latter would be planning a trip to a base camp or something of the sort. 

It is imperative to also consider your students and their personalities/tendencies as you are making these decisions. 

This is where a good relationship with your Student Travel company comes in handy! At Student Adventures we can work with the trip sponsor at the school in giving our recommendations from our thousands of trips traveled, to help ensure the best fit for the students!

3. Logistics

One of the most important aspects of any field trip is logistics and what needs to take place to have a smooth and safe trip. When you are researching various destinations consider your class size, the overall temperament of your students, and the access to chaperone help if needed. It is also important to factor in everyone’s health information and accommodations that would need to be made in worst case scenarios. 

What you want to avoid is driving all over the map without a coordinated strategy. Instead, plan to visit attractions as you naturally pass them, rather than backtracking or missing one to get to another.

4. Costs

At Student Adventures, we understand that students finance their own trips for the most part. That’s why we offer easy fundraising opportunities such as easy links that allow family and friends to make direct payments to the student to help cover costs and ensure they can fully participate.

It’s crucial to outline all potential expenses upfront, such as the difference between dining at a particular restaurant versus another or choosing certain experiences. By carefully planning and budgeting, we can avoid any unexpected costs, allowing students to enjoy the trip without financial stress.

5. Collaboration

At Student Adventures, we’ve created the TripWheel to ensure that trip sponsors have comprehensive support at every stage, from planning to the trip itself. The TripWheel is designed to guide you through each step, providing the tools and resources you need exactly when you need them.

Whether it’s budgeting, selecting the best experiences, or managing logistics, the TripWheel is your go-to resource for making the trip planning process smooth and efficient.

By using the TripWheel, you can feel confident that no detail will be overlooked. It helps you stay organized and on track, ensuring that every aspect of the trip is carefully planned and executed. This system not only makes planning easier for the current trip but also lays the groundwork for future trips, making each subsequent planning process more straightforward and efficient.

We hope this guide gave you a solid foundation for things to consider when planning your next field trip. If you want a personalized experience tailored to your students, please don’t hesitate to call Student Adventures at 1.877.873.7550 or email us at info@studentadventures.org!

Be sure to visit our website for more information on school trips and some destinations worth touring!