A Pre-Trip Meeting is a gathering for parents and students to discuss important trip details. We recommend scheduling this meeting 14–30 days prior to your departure date. Use the calendar below to set the meeting date, time, and location.

Decide when and where the Pre-Trip Meeting will take place.

Use Trip Chat to compose an email informing parents and students of the Pre-Trip Meeting date, time, and location. It’s a good idea to make the meeting mandatory.

If the meeting is not mandatory, attach the Pre-Trip Meeting Printouts and advise families to review the information.

Encourage them to attend if they have further questions.

  • Tour Info: Departure/return times, travel rules, etc.
  • Trip App: Itinerary, hotel information, packing list, meal details, maps, etc.
  • Final Itinerary: If the final itinerary is not yet available, include the proposed itinerary.

Reference FAQs

  • Include any FAQ documents or links addressing common Pre-Trip Meeting questions.

Notify Participants

  • Send the email to all Primary Contacts of your “going” participants.

Inform Your Tour Consultant

  • Use the calendar below or email your Tour Consultant directly to let them know your scheduled meeting date and time.

Pre-Trip Meeting Printouts

  • (Optional section to attach or link additional documents that families can review, especially if the meeting isn’t mandatory.)
  • Tour Information Overview: Departure/Return Times, travel rules, etc. 
  • Trip App Instructions: Itinerary, hotel information, packing list, meal details, maps, etc.
  • Till Pre-Trip: FAQ’s for Till-related questions that may come up. Parents should call SA office for all other questions.
  • Final Itinerary: If final itinerary is not yet available, include the proposed itinerary.
